Bits and Pieces 7 | Another Collection of Disconnected Thoughts
Hey everybody! Sorry for my infrequent upload schedule, but I’ve had some stuff going on. I’m getting evaluated for some ADHD medication soon, so hopefully that should take care of the executive functioning issues that throw me off track. Until then, enjoy some things I’ve been thinking about and managed to remember to write down.
I’m getting my wisdom teeth taken out at the beginning of July. I’m not really concerned about the procedure itself; I’ve arranged for them to put me under during the actual procedure. Nor am I really worried about how much pain I’m going to be in afterwards, since I can probably just sleep most of it off. No, what I’m really concerned about is making a list of foods I can eat for two to three days after. Leave it to a major medical procedure to make me realize how many crunchy foods I eat on a daily basis.
Serious question: If I started using Twitter as a way to communicate more frequently and potentially expand the reach of this blog, would any of you guys care? Let me know how many of you guys would be interested in following me on Twitter, if I had one. I promise I won’t update as infrequently as I do here. Who knows, it may even help me write more often.
I’ve thought about putting little blurbs at the end of my editorials about what music I was listening to while writing them. I consider the circumstances surrounding the creation of my editorials to be part of the experience. Let me know if you’re interested in something like this, but just a heads-up: I hope you like video game OSTs.
I think I need to start a hand-moisturizing routine, because I’m getting hangnails like you wouldn’t believe. I think the fact that I’m doing much more housework than usual (as part of my summer job) is a major contributing factor, since I seriously doubt that prolonged exposure to cleaning products is good for my skin.
As somebody who’s been told that they write exactly how they talk, I often wonder if I would make a good YouTuber. I think that with the right equipment I could pull it off. I’ve watched enough YouTube videos over the years to know what works and what doesn’t. I think people would like the variety of content I would post, and I have quite the… unique sense of humor. The only real hurdle there is that I hate the sound of my voice, but maybe there’s a way to fix that.
Speaking of YouTube, in the time between my last two big editorials I started religiously watching the Party Crashers on YouTube, as well as their respective individual channels, and I think they might be my new favorite thing. Seriously, if you need something to make your bad days good and your good days even better, I can’t recommend them highly enough. Even if you’re not into Mario Party or Super Smash Bros, the humor combined with their insanely good group chemistry is enough to make anything they do entertaining.
Thanks so much for reading. Until next time, stay on the hook!